Freya Helps Me

With a rolling monthly contract or one-off project, let the Freya Helps Me team be the outsourced digital marketing experts you actually enjoy working with.


Why hire Freya and her team to help you with your Digital Marketing, content writing and website management?

Free your time

No need for you to spend time figuring out how to make things work or make content

Website work based on facts

Any work completed is done so using neuromarketing and buyer psychology tactics

Flexible marketing

Choose a Bronze, Silver or Gold package so you can set how much you spend and on what

Marketing with a smile

People simply like working with us- we bring positivity, joy and a smile to our partnership

No need to hire full-time staff

You get a marketing expert on hand to help but without having to pay for a full-time headcount


You know your business, we know marketing- let me help you make more money

"She gets sh!t done!"

I always knew if I gave Freya a task, she'd crack on with it and I didn't have to think about it again.
MD and founder of a web development agency

Who I've worked with...